Welcome! Wow, this is the first post of 2014. I’m sorry if this seems a little late, but I have such exciting news! Go Left Gaming has been pushing the multimedia aspect of journalism on its [YouTube](http://youtube.com/MaxFrequency) and [Twitch](http://twitch.tv/goingleftgaming) channels. Content includes weekly vlogs, live streams, and walk through videos. It’s super exciting to be creating the content and learning about this aspect of the industry. As a part of this multimedia push, Go Left Gaming is hosting a live stream of The Last Of Us‘ DLC, Left Behind and the factions multiplayer mode! ![[f4f44-left_behind.jpg.webp]] The stream will be held on March 4, 2014 at 6:00 PM EST! That is when I will start the Left Behind DLC from start to finish with all the collectibles and conversations. This will be a ton of fun. A little bit before and for quite some time after the DLC, I will play The Last Of Us online multiplayer. Also, as a part of the stream, to share my love of The Last Of Us and it’s brand new DLC there will be a giveaway! A total of three prizes will be given away! There are- 1) The entire American Dreams prequel comic series (4 issues in total) 2) The Left Behind DLC and the grand prize- 3) The Last Of Us season pass (which includes Left Behind, all the multiplayer DLC, and [the documentary](https://maxfrequency.net/2013/07/09/grounded-the-making-of-the-last-of-us/)) AND the American Dreams prequel comic series How the winners will be decided and the details of the contest will be set in concrete at a later time, but those are the prizes! You can RSVP for the event on our [Facebook](http://facebook.com/goleftgaming) page or just [click here](https://www.facebook.com/events/593908354031468/)! Hope to see you on March 4, 2014 at 6:00 PM EST on Go Left Gaming’s [Twitch channel](http://twitch.tv/goingleftgaming) for Left Behind!