# The Vlog Page Notice anything different about the Go Left Gaming home page? No. Here, I’ll point it out for you. ![[a4dfd-screen-shot-2014-02-20-at-4-20-29-pm.png.webp]] There is a new page for you to visit!! The “Vlog” page! The Vlog page is very simple. It has just one video embedded into its page-y goodness. That video is a playlist for every single episode of Go Left Gaming’s weekly Thursday vlog! From that video playlist, you can even visit Go Left Gaming’s [YouTube channel](http://www.youtube.com/maxfrequency) and subscribe to see new vlogs every Thursday! [Vlog 012: Next-Gen Multiplayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DaqVdzkQhI&list=PLxCxW3Sbhy5b4IYDcsakl7fOUEZJy7uQk&index=1) was just posted! Check it out and any other vlogs you may have missed. And always remember to…Go Left!