# Millennial Gaming Speak – Episode 5 - Nintendo News and Kojima Confusion
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# Show Notes
## News
- [Update: Battlefront gameplay confirmed to be shown next month at Star Wars celebration](http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/03/19/star-wars-battlefront-will-make-its-debut-next-month)
- Kojima craziness
- Name removed from many marketing ads for MGS5.
- Announced that he will be leaving the studio after MGS5 is shipped.
- Power struggle was the cause of Hideo’s departure.
- What will he do after MGS5?
- Konami says they already plan on making more Metal gear games and have even begun hiring for the next MGS game. What will life without Kojima be like?
- Is there something darker happening behind the scenes?
- Nintendo Reveals new console info
- Codenamed the ‘NX’
- What will the console be like?
- When will it ship?
- When will we first see it revealed?
- Nintendo FINALLY announces that they will be working to bring games to mobile devices
- What kind of games will we see?
- How will it affect the 3DS market?
## Play and Report
- *Super Metroid*
- Decide what game we will be discussing on next week’s episode.
## Topics
- Logan’s Topic — Sports games. Do you play em?
- Max’s Topic — *Final Fantasy 15*