# Millennial Gaming Speak – Episode 114 - Nintendo’s Shortcomings and Naughty Dog Controversy <iframe src="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/millennialgamingspeak/embed/episodes/Episode-114-Nintendos-Shortcomings-and-Naughty-Dog-Controversy-e1adhq6/a-a6ts41k" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> [RSS](https://anchor.fm/s/74aa3858/podcast/rss) – [Apple](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-3-gdc-wrap-up/id1000915981?i=1000542222515) – [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7wePXT4Bt22LWifVLx3n8y) – [Overcast](https://overcast.fm/+EtIgeWxEU) # Show Description With Max off getting married, Logan is joined this week by Mike Doherty from Chipped Tooth Gaming! The two chat about Mike’s rise to prominence within the Kinda Funny community, what it’s like to live in the San Francisco area, and how they each plan on breaking into the gaming industry. Afterwards, they talk about games they’ve been playing recently such as Destiny 2 and Cuphead while also looking forward to next week’s slew of releases with Super Mario Odyssey, Assassin’s Creed Origins, and Wolfenstein II. Mike then discusses why he hasn’t made the plunge to purchase a Switch yet before then diving into the controversy surrounding Naughty Dog and an ex-employee. Follow Max and Logan on Twitter! @MGSpodcast @MaxRoberts143 @MooreMan12 Email us at [email protected] Intro and Outro song is “OHC3” by Kris Keyser