# Daring Fireball - ‘How to Correctly Use a Computer’
[Daring Fireball: ‘How to Correctly Use a Computer’](https://daringfireball.net/linked/2020/03/19/how-to-correctly-use-a-computer) by John Gruber
Earlier this week, [Apple revealed a new iPad Pro](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/03/apple-unveils-new-ipad-pro-with-lidar-scanner-and-trackpad-support-in-ipados/), alongside other hardware updates. [[Welcome|Since getting into weekly Apple coverage and discussion last year]], I have been seriously into the idea of swapping my laptop for a desktop and getting an iPad for my mobile computing. The new iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard looks like a dream.
John talks about [one of the new fun ads for the iPad Pro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0P0FQ770dE) and rather than share my two cents, I like how John put it.