[Opening Night Reaction thread from Scott Gustin](https://mobile.twitter.com/scottgustin/status/1247364405597220865) I actually just rewatched both *Infinity War* and *Endgame* a couple weekends ago. I still got chills during all 7ish hours. I remember opening night for every MCU film vividly, but none stand next to *Endgame* and this thread reaffirms it. I was immediately taken back to a night filled with excitement, hope, and thrills. Even when I was pumped up and whooping with excitement a couple weekends ago by myself at home, the feeling just doesn’t compare to opening night. I don’t think there will ever be a cinematic achievement like the build up and payoff of the Infinity Saga again. It is remarkable that the MCU came together the way it did over the past 11 years. No matter where it goes from here, we’ll always have Thanos. After all, he is inevitable.