# The Last of Us Part II has brought out the worst of us – VG247
[“It’s about hate” – The Last of Us Part 2 has brought out the worst of us](https://www.vg247.com/2020/05/04/the-last-of-us-part-2-hate/) by Kirk McKeand for VG247
> Yet the conspiracy theories soldier on because of whollopers on the internet. I believe there’s a singular reason for this: it’s because this vocal minority of angry internet babies are pissed off that the story isn’t catered to them…
The anonymity of Internet and social media have created an echo-chamber of vitriol and hate. It is essential to remember the vocal minority is just that, a small group of people who shout and cry when they don’t get their way.
> That’s because the anger was never really about that. The anger is there because Naughty Dog dared to make a video game story that seemingly strays from the norm. It’s no wonder most developers play it safe. After all, it never was about working conditions. It’s about hate.
I feel like the entitlement fans feel, across all of entertainment, is possessive and harsh. It is such a shame how mean people can be behind a nameless egg icon. Especially since that these people will likely end up buying the game anyway.