# Prince of Persia Redemption Leaked Eight Years Ago and No One Noticed [Prince of Persia Redemption – YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHbRCd8yzaw&feature=share) [Apparently](https://twitter.com/ZhugeEX/status/1258055224071196674) a new *Prince of Persia* game leaked on YouTube eight years ago and it only got picked up today. Cool story that a leak like this slipped through the cracks. I’ve never played a *Prince of Persia* game, but this leak footage strikes me as God of War-inspired. I actually started reading [The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993](https://www.amazon.com/Making-Prince-Persia-Journals-1985-1993-Illustrated-dp-0578627310/dp/0578627310/?me=) this week due to some buzz surrounding its most recent release. Seems like a rare insight into the development of a game from start to finish that ended up turning into a big franchise.