[Naughty Dog explains The Last of Us Part II’s ambitious accessibility features](https://www.theverge.com/21274923/the-last-of-us-part-2-accessibility-features-naughty-dog-interview-ps4) by Andrew Webster for The Verge > According to Schatz, while the accessibility options in the game are varied, they all point toward the same goal: keeping players from hitting those sticking points, whether it’s a difficult QTE or something else entirely. “Accessibility for us is about removing barriers that are keeping players from completing a game,” she says. “It’s not about dumbing down a game or making a game easy. What do our players need in order to play the game in parity with everyone else?” All of this seems wonderful! I wish this could have made it into [[Chasing the Stick Announcement Trailer|Chasing the Stick]]. None of this gets in the way of my particular playthrough. All these features enable is more people to experience Naughty Dog’s latest game. > “It feels like a failing on our part if a player reaches a part of the game that’s inaccessible to them in any way,” says Gallant. “It’s incumbent on us to be the ones to find the solutions. Accessibility just makes these games better.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.