![[pocket_dock.jpeg.webp]] Phew. What a stressful morning. I did manage to snag a black Analogue Pocket system along with a Dock, Sega Game Gear adapter, a link cable, and a case. As for all the other Pocket consoles, the entire first-run sold out within 10 minutes. The high demand led to slamming Analogue’s store and plenty of customers—including [myself](https://twitter.com/MaxRoberts143/status/1290302612638769152)—got stuck at the “select shipping” part of checkout. The loading wheel just kept on spinning. I managed to get through on my phone over LTE first before my computer loaded shipping options. Once the shipping options loaded for many, the items in their [cart](https://twitter.com/GrandPOOBear/status/1290304927579828224) were [suddenly](https://twitter.com/HavokRose/status/1290304318122242050) “[out of stock](https://twitter.com/HDRetrovision/status/1290304239864971270).” > Pocket pre-orders are sold out. We will be producing more and do our best to meet demand during this unfortunate global state of affairs. > > Signup at http://analogue.co/store to be notified by email when we are able to make Pocket + accessories available again. > > Analogue via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/analogue/status/1290305407034916866) Now all that is left is to wait for May 2021. If you were lucky like myself or just want to read as much as possible about the Pocket, I’ve written two in-depth previews about the system. My first [[Analogue Pocket Preview|preview]] was back in April, detailing all we knew since its announcement in October 2019. The when Analogue announced today’s pre-orders, I wrote all about the [[Analogue Pocket Pre-Orders Go Live on August 3|new changes, accessories, and features]].