I wrote this two months ago on October 1, 2020. It never left the notes app on my phone, but I am finally nearing the end of this year’s rewatch, so I figured it would be a good time to actually post this.  Seven years ago today I started a [10 day binge of all of Breaking Bad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P7GIx_eCfs). The finale had aired two days prior. I had tried the show previously, but wasn’t feeling it. People would just not stop talking about it though. I decided to give it another shot. I’ll never forget the rush of those 10 days. Every year since, [I rewatch Breaking Bad in October](https://twitter.com/MaxRoberts143/status/388485295643312128). Not in 10 days, I’m not a freshman in college who can afford to bomb an astronomy test anymore, but I still watch it all the same. Of course, *Breaking Bad* has spawned some of the critically best television out there, not only within itself, but also in *Better Call Saul* and *El Camino*. It means more to me than some incredibly well written and shot TV though. During the 10 day binge, my then ex-girlfriend and now wife, were rekindling our relationship. Her love of the show and my rapidly growing obsession became a point of connection for us. We’ve watched *Better Call Saul* with our dear friend Kevin every week it airs. We drove over an hour away to see *El Camino* in a movie theater. For better or worse, I see my own relationship dynamics with my brother in Saul and Chuck. All the *Breaking Bad* things are intrinsically tangled together with my own marriage and friendships (however healthy or unhealthy that may be). So now that it is October once again, I dive back into the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico and watch a broken man build an empire. I am certainly not the biggest fan out there, but I’d wager I’m one of the more rigidly scheduled ones.