[Tweetbot for iOS](https://tapbots.com/tweetbot/) Tweetbot 6 is here. There is no other app or subsequent company that I give my money to instantly. Tapbots makes my favorite Twitter client, which I’ve been using since I signed up for Twitter in 2012. I’ve bought/upgraded to [[img_2793.png|every]] version since Tweetbot 2 (4 turned into 5 for free). For Tweetbot 6, Tapbots has switched to a subscription model, with pricing at $0.99 a month or $5.99 a year. Easiest $6 I have ever spent. [MacStories details the latest features in their write up](https://www.macstories.net/news/tweetbot-6-moves-to-subscription-pricing/). > Aside from the new pricing model, Tweetbot 6 has only implemented a handful of new features, including a few changes to the timeline view and some design changes. In the main timeline, you’ll notice more image thumbnails than before. Polls and cards are also visible thanks to the implementation of Twitter’s latest third-party APIs, and there are new dedicated ‘@’ and ‘#’ buttons in the app’s tweet composition sheet. While light on newer features, Tapbots is calling this release “early access.” Users may scroll their timeline for free, but not tweet themselves without subscribing. > This early access version for iOS uses the new Twitter API. We are calling it early access because there are many new features on our roadmap to be built as well as new API’s to adopt as Twitter makes them available. This seems promising if Twitter’s new third-party API can continue to return to a more open set of tools. I would love for the return of [a stats page like there was in Tweetbot 4](https://www.macstories.net/reviews/tweetbot-4-review-bigger-bot/). Right off the bat, I can immediately tell the app is snappier. There has clearly been a huge focus on speed on the backend. Finally being able to see polls in Tweetbot is extremely welcome. Subscribing allows me to regularly support some of my favorite app develops for my most used app. I am happy to do it and am looking forward to the future of Tweetbot.