[*UNBEATABLE* – A game where music is illegal and you do crimes by D-CELL GAMES — Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dcellgames/unbeatable): via Josh Scherr on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/joshscherr/status/1379831839104200707) > *UNBEATABLE* looks like a ton of fun & I backed the hell out of it, but I want to call out how the promo video exudes the same style & tone of the game itself; really effective & worth studying for anyone looking to promote their work! Josh’s point on the tone of the trailer is what drew me in. Always down to see great examples of people’s work. This trailer is *bonkers* good. I went from “I’ve never heard of this game” to “please come to console someday” in a beat. Excellent looking work. Also, killer tag line.