# Metroid Prime 2D – A Nostalgic Sense of Déjà Vu [Metroid Prime 2D Demo Playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7CQuAIFfrE) by Varia the Hunter on YouTube April Fool’s turned reality, some folks have been working on turning Metroid Prime into a 2D game. The group released a demo for PC, which you can download [here](https://forum.prime2d.com/t/prime-2d-demo-v0-1-21-4-1/6582). It’s rather unique to turn the game that breathed new life into *Metroid* by making it a 3D FPS into a 2D game like the *Metroid* games of yore. I haven’t had a chance to play myself—no chance to mooch my wife’s laptop—but watching the demo in action reminds me quite a bit of *Metroid: Samus Returns* with its free-aiming ability, no doubt tied to the mouse. It really evokes both *Metroid* as a whole and *Metroid Prime* the game. It filled me with a sense of both déjà vu and nostalgia for a game I played many years ago and have also never tried. I hope this does turn into a full release some day. It’s nice that some people remember outer space’s coolest bounty hunter.