# Maybe Your ‘Pile Of Shame’ Is A Problem – Kotaku
[Maybe Your ‘Pile Of Shame’ Is A Problem](https://kotaku.com/maybe-your-pile-of-shame-is-a-problem-1846648396) by Luke Plunkett for Kotaku
> A backlog shouldn’t need to be unpacked like this. If you’re still playing a game, and liking the game, and you already have another 1-2 sitting there unplayed, maybe…don’t go buying any more? I know that’s a radical suggestion, but you’ll be OK. You’ll get through this. We live in a digital world. Those games are going to go on sale again, and they’re never going to run out of stock. Enjoy the games you’ve got and are still playing!
Try saying that to [[Sony is Shutting Down the PS3, PSP, and Vita Stores|PS3 and Vita]] owners in two months.
Games can be [delisted](https://www.polygon.com/2015/5/5/8557807/pt-silent-hills-demo-pulled). Stores are [closed](https://www.nintendo.com/us/whatsnew/detail/reminder-wii-shop-closes-january-30-2019/). Physical game prices rise and fall. Buying games digitally is just long-term rentals. Folks have to accept that with their digital purchases.
> Games exist to serve one purpose: to be played. If you’re buying them and not playing them, maybe you’re doing it wrong.
Games serve more than one purpose. Sure, playing them is at the heart of their existence, but one purpose? I guess Plunkett just writes about them for free like me?
What a shallow take to kick off [Kotaku’s month-long coverage about gaming backlogs](https://kotaku.com/welcome-to-backlog-month-1846621879).