> Super Nt, Mega Sg and DAC are restocked. > Available Mon Aug 9, 2021 at 8am PDT. > Limit 2 per customer per console. > All orders will ship by the end of the week. > —Analogue via email announcement Hopefully their ordering system can sustain the demand. No word on quantity, so I expect they’ll sell out rather quick. After being [[Analogue Consoles Entirely Out of Stock|out of stock since January 2021]] and a [[Super NT Restock Happening Tomorrow|small restock]], hopefully these stay up for a smidgen longer. If you want any other these devices, I’d prepare for Monday. Personally, I love my [[My Journey to Playing with Super Power – Thoughts on the Super NT|Super NT]] and [[Analogue DAC Thoughts and Impressions|DAC]]. I hope this is a good sign that the [[Analogue Pocket Preview|Analogue Pocket]] will hit the [[Analogue Pocket Delayed to October 2021|October 2021]] delivery window, after being delayed out of May 2021 and late 2020.