[*Mina The Hollower* – Yacht Club Games](https://www.yachtclubgames.com/games/mina-the-hollower#bfa18759-9dfe-438a-9846-93d403761b55) Yacht Club Games has announced their next game and it is a brand new IP. *Mina The Hollower* is a mash-up of Game Boy era Zelda games (*Link’s Awakening* and the *Oracle* titles) with *Castlevania*.  It’s up on Kickstarter now. Within thirty minutes of this writing, they have raised a third of the $311,503 goal (one dollar more than *Shovel Knight* made). I’m curious to see what stretch goals, if any, the studio rolls out. I would bet that multiple, playable character campaigns is not one of them.  > Compared to our original Kickstarter, we’re not in dire straits! We’re financing a majority of Mina the Hollower‘s development internally. Our main reason for launching a Kickstarter this time is to build a brand new universe in the same way we did with our first game, Shovel Knight—with our community involved in creating something special along with us! Every backer that joins the development will help to make a more robust game. Together, we’ll break new ground! Yacht Club Games has garnered incredible goodwill and praise since *Shovel Knight*’s own Kickstarter. I like seeing them leverage the buzz and excitement of a Kickstarter to foster a community. Direct engagement with a fanbase is a powerful tool for creators, if not the most powerful in the toolbox. It’s not entirely about the initial influx of cash: It’s about fostering a community that will help keep that revenue stream following during the remainder of development and post-launch.  The current window for *Mina The Hollower* is December 2023. That’s a solid two more years of development time. Eager to see how this one lands.