[Smash cast 1 (part 1)](https://youtu.be/1BmlqKKeNPM) by Me on YouTube 15 years ago I entered the world of producing, editing, and publishing my thoughts on gaming. *Super Smash Bros. Brawl* for the Wii was what drew this desire out of me. I had moved to St. John of the U.S.V.I the year prior and didn’t have a ton of friends; living on an island is isolating to a degree. I poured myself into making magic videos for a different YouTube channel and following the news for the latest Smash game. [The Dojo](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Smash_Bros._DOJO!!_(SSBB)) was a daily haven, but I wanted more. I craved discussion and analysis. So I began listening to a podcast called *Show Me Your News!* hosted by Peter Spezia (Youko) and Alan Bunney (Samurai Panda). Their discussions were fun, insightful, and gave me a sense of community I needed in that stage of life. But I wanted to be a part of the discussion. With my appetite for Smash discussion not satiated, I decided to make my own show—*Smash Cast*. Of course there was already a show with that name, but it never occurred to me to even look that up. The show would only last until March 2008 because the game was out! My desire grew though and I kept making videos and shows. That led to my own podcast *[[But Our Princess is in Another Castle]]* (aka BOPIIAC), but more on that later this year. 2008 was a pivotal year for myself and it all started with *Smash Cast*. Peter and I have been friends since 2009. Eventually, [I even made it on *SMYN*](http://www.showmeyournews.com/podcast/smyn-ultimate-episode-10-we-told-you-this-last-week/) during the hype for *Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*. It all started with Windows Movie Maker and a desire to be a part of the conversation. 15 years later and I am looking ahead at my best work and haven’t left the conversation.