<div class=iframe-container> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wnhLDWVcmeQ?si=Y_42k5yIMlJ1S59D" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> [I Can't Believe I Found These! | Gaming Pickups November 2022 - January 2023](https://youtube.com/watch?v=wnhLDWVcmeQ) Another new video for you all! This was an idea all of last month, but then my family and I were sick for a solid two weeks. The pile of games on my desk kept growing and I desperately wanted to film this so I could put them all away in their proper place. Feels good. I wanted to make this pickups video as a follow-up to [[My Video Game Collection Tour|my collection and office tour]]. The response to that has been great! This seemed like a logical next video. I may make these throughout the year. We’ll see! I experimented with a few things in the production. I’ve removed the shotgun mic above my iMac. I wasn’t a fan of the overall live quality. It’s great for raw audio and syncing, but unedited wasn’t up to my standards. So instead, I clipped a Rode wireless Go to my hat and used that for capture.[^1] Then I cleaned up the audio in iZotope and was much happier. It keeps the Shure Beta 87A out of my face and sounds good to my ears. The thumbnail maybe clickbait-y (I am still having fun making them), but it is true that some of these I bought have been dream games to chase. I have been on a serious Nintendo DS kick lately and I don’t really want to stop. --- [^1]: This idea was totally taken from [[The Making Of Mina The Hollower – Alex Van Aken|Alex Van Aken and his Mina the Hollower documentary]].