Hi everyone! I felt the need to give a small update. I haven’t posted too much of the written word here lately and without Twitter in my life, I thought touching base would be a good idea. It all boils down to one word—busy. I’ve been cranking out quite a few episodes of both [[The Max Frequency Podcast]] and [[Chapter Select]]. My joby job takes time. And my family has some (very good) big life stuff happening that I will share soon. I promise I will review the last two episode of HBO’s *The Last of Us*. It’s been a mental block of sorts, due in particular to my disappointment. 😬 That’s the beauty of this site though. I can write at my *frequency*. Here are some things in the pipeline that I’ve got hitting the site soon. - Two new episodes of MFP. I’m recording one of them today! - [[S5 - Resident Evil|Chapter Select Season 5]] is nearing the end. Logan and I are knee deep in the Resident Evil 4 remake and are going to be starting RE5 together. - The end of Season 5 also means my seasonal Behind the Scenes post (which I need to start writing 😅). This season is going to be a doozy. We also have a big reveal planned too. 👀 And here are just some quick thoughts on some recent news I wanted to comment on. *Tears of the Kingdom* finally revealed its [gameplay and hook](https://youtu.be/a6qna-ZCbxA). Nintendo is leaning deeper into the sandbox. The jokes about *Nuts & Bolts* are spot on. I’m actually glad [[S3E2 - Banjo-Kazooie - Nuts & Bolts|I played that game last year]] to have a real point of comparison. Feels a little wild that the game is out in just six weeks. And that [beautiful Switch OLED](https://youtu.be/O1NqcD_QAuw) is out in just four! Yes, I ordered one. We are a three Switch household now. Apple gave [dates for WWDC 2023](https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/). The keynote is on June 5 and everything is pointing to Apple’s headset being revealed. Happy birthday to me! Besides the new product, I am curious about iPadOS and macOS. I have stayed away from Ventura; primarily due to System Preferences turning into Settings. I wonder if the new version will entice me to update. As for iPadOS, the launch of Stage Manager was botched. I suspect a major pivot, but maybe Apple digs in their heels and pushes forward. Maybe we will finally see the Apple Silicon Mac Pro too… Summer is ramping up. Video game and tech news is gonna start popping. I’m getting amped. I’m thankful for this site as a place to lean into that excitement. Looking forward to the weeks and months ahead. I hope you are too. TaggedBlog