# *Ace Attorney* Satisfaction
For my birthday, I ordered a few games from Play Asia and they showed up yesterday.
![[Ace Attorney 123456 Face.jpg]]
I always wanted a physical copy of the *Ace Attorney Trilogy*, since it is a Japan exclusive. Now, the *Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy* does have a North American release, but I opted to get a matching set. Why?
[It's all Try's fault](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxed3Y0MDsTYM0mw0zEF8cLU5D6rGWeUB2).
Seriously, the 1·2·3·4·5·6 along the spines is [[Ace Attorney 123456 Spines.jpg|so satisfying]]. If only [[The True Horror of Resident Evil|another Capcom series]] could get their spines set straight.