Guacamelee! and Guacamelee! 2 are getting the physical game treatment thanks to Leadman Games. The Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection will be released for both Nintendo Switch and PS4 this May for $39.99 and plenty of physical goodies. A short trailer was released for the collection, which you can watch below. The collection comes not only with a physical copy of the games, but also a full manual, a double-sided poster, and downloadable copies of each game's soundtrack. With Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition costing $14.99 and Guacamelee! 2 costing $19.99, fans will be paying a difference of $5.01 for all these physical extras. Leadman Games is a newer publisher on the scene. They only have one other physical release, which is Salt and Sanctuary: Drowned Tome Edition for the Switch. What's nifty about Leadman Games (besides making physical copies), is that their games are available at a variety of retailers, including Amazon, Target, and GameStop. Guacamelee 2! [[Guacamelee! 2 on Switch Arrives in Early December, Xbox One in January|recently launched on both Xbox One]] and [[Guacamelee! 2 Feels Like a Natural Fit on Nintendo Switch|Switch, the latter feeling like a natural fit for the game]]. In [our review of Guacamelee 2!](, we said the sequel was "...a finely crafted Metroidvania that iterates and improves upon everything that already made the original so great." The Guacamelee series made its debut on [Nintendo's hybrid system last year]( Guacamalee! One-Two Punch Collection with be available for Switch and PS4 on May 28 for $39.99 and you may pre-order your copy today.