[Press Sneak Out](https://kotaku.com/press-sneak-out-1842900864) by Jason Schreier at Kotaku Not terribly surprising, but still a bummer. I’m curious where Jason will go next, presumably after his second book is published. I can’t see him going to a major, traditional video game new outlet. Kotaku itself has seen quite a [wave](https://kotaku.com/goodbye-kotaku-1840245766) [of](https://kotaku.com/goodbye-from-josh-and-gita-1840936478) [departures](https://kotaku.com/something-ends-something-begins-1831206684) [lately](https://twitter.com/108/status/1224419447269707783?lang=en). Kotaku is now a [staff of 16 writers](https://kotaku.com/about). The podcast Jason hosted on Kotaku is done as well, at least in its current form. Jason, Maddy Myers, and Kirk Hamilton (who left Kotaku in 2018) have started a new podcast called [Triple Click](https://twitter.com/tripleclickpod/status/1250796207074684929). I wonder if other Kotaku staff will pick up the Splitscreen mantle. On the bright side: Video games will no longer be delayed.