> [!warning] > Spoilers below! ![[The Great Ace Attorney 2 Resolve Notes.pdf]] ## Stats - Started: 2/14/24 - Finished: 5/17/24 - Total playtime: 15~ hours ## General - I have lost pace. Really struggling to get over this second case hump. - Oh we cooking now in case three! - “The enemy always appears larger than life. But you’ll appear exactly the same time the enemy!” - These games become the best when the defense and prosecution come together to pursue the truth. The real “enemy” is the guilty party in the stand. It’s a thrill to work together. - I think *Trials and Tribulations* has met its match. - The game is like the *Casino Royale* and *Quantum of Solace* back-to-back combo. Better stacked. Interconnected. - Sholmes is one of the greats. - Truly, one of the greatest characters in *Ace Attorney* ## Gameplay - Classic Ace Attorney so far. No gimmick mechanics yet. - And I forgot about the deduction segments. So suave, stylish, and slick. - Still a struggle when you have figured out the case, but you have to slow down and figure out the sometimes odd connections to get to the solution. - You can’t present people as evidence in 2 Resolve, except when prompted. Kind of limits possibilities. - The start of a new case feels like a big swing down as we have to ramp back up in thrill and mystery. - I love it when a case gets so heated and “Objections!” are flying across the courtroom. - You can have multiple witnesses testifying at once. This leads to reactions to statements. You don’t have to identify these, the game throws up a big exclamation mark. You just have to find them. Sort of wish there was more deduction here; like L.A. Noire, but easier. ## Story ### Episode 1: The Blossoming Attorney - Oh snap! We a lady lawyer! Susato. And we are in disguise as a man! - I like how this first case ties directly to the previous game’s first case. Trials and Tribulations vibes. ### Episode 2: The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro - I love this being a flashback case. Big Trials and Tribulations vibes. - The first two cases resolve around a poisoning. At least case 2 does at first blush. - I really like that the victim is alive so far. That’s a neat twist. - Okay. I do have disdain for the villain now. His whole knock-off Shakespeare bit with the rhyming cadence is obnoxious. - Although, I do like the idea he’s seeking some sort of DB Cooper like treasure and murder is involved. - Olive’s story of justice is quite sad. ### Episode 3: The Return of the Great Departed Soul - Professor Harebrayne’s wiggly hair animation when he is nervous is good stuff. - This case is finally “current day.” - I’m in court alone? Is this a series first? - I just had this crazy realization. What is the “victim,” Odie Asman, used this experiment not only to win the government’s grant, but also fake his death. Using a wax model from Tusspells to fake the body. I suppose there was an autopsy...but it’d be crazy! Ties the threads together as well. - This chapter feels like a big fitting puzzle pieces for a bigger plot. - Susato has returned! Thank goodness! - This may very well be one of my favorite cases. - Kazuma being van Zieks apprentice is adding a whole other emotional layer. This chapter is bringing many threads together. - The Professor Harebrayne part of the case feels all, but forgotten. It’s been taken over rapidly by the Professor serial killer and Drebber. Would be better if the two were more intertwined. Harebrayne feels like a quick catalyst to get to the juicier case. - The game addresses this! After I get Dr. Sithe to admit she was blackmailed. Very interesting... - How is Japan involved in the Hounds of Baskerville Professor murder? There is a deeper plot and cover up there. - THE PROFESSOR WAS KAZUMA’S FATHER ### Episode 4: Twisted Karma and His Last Bow - The juror from the previous case is now trying to hire Sholmes to find her husband. - Lots of tiny establishing bits in the beginning. Even this late in the game, the board is being set. - Gregson?!?! Dead???? - VAN ZIEKS IS THE CULPRIT?!?!? I HAVE TO DEFEND VAN ZIEKS?!?!???!!!??! - And he doesn’t want me to defend him. Amazing. - KAZUMA WILL BE THE PROSECUTION?!?!?! - Eight cases of build up to this wild scenario. Spectacular. - There is such a deep woven conspiracy surrounding The Professor. The dog collar was in the infamous treasure of the thief in case 2. The ties between Van Zieks, Sholmes, Strongheart, Sithe. How do Jezebel and Watson tie in? Clear cover ups. So many questions. - We’ve got some Mission Impossible style disguise work here! Vigil is Boone is Gossip! - Everyone thinks Gregson was a part of the Reaper operation, but that can’t possibly be true. He was investigating who inside Scotland Yard was the mastermind. Trust no one scenario. I figure it is Strongheart. And Sithe possibly. - Something that makes dogs act super violent towards an individual? In a trunk? But why only Naruhodo and not Gina? - OH SNAP. This case bleeds right into the final chapter! ### Episode 5: The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo - I feel like this chapter is alllllll trial - Absolutely incredible. A surprise investigation as Mikotoba and Sholmes on the Grouse. Amazing. - Is Jigoku guilty!?! The plot thickens. - THE TAP DANCE DEDUCTION OF SHOLMES AND MIKOTOBA - Okay. Iris is 10. Why is this age just now dawning on me? How is her birth and father tied into this case? - What did some robber have the dog collar? How is Jezibelle tied? Jigoku? This is so woven together. - An assassin exchange?! Incredible. - So Jigoku confesses, but the mystery of The Professor, the Reaper, and the whole real plot is still shrouded. - Testify! Testify! Testify! - Absolutely spectacular Sholmes - I cannot believe it. Klint is the Professor. Asogi killed him. This has to be the truth. - Absolute legendary weaving of plot, character, and theme. - You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Holy cow. Iris is a van Zieks. 🤯🤯🤯 ## Graphics - The 2D art and backgrounds are delightful. Still not in love with 3D models. - I’ve completely pivoted on this. They’ve grown remarkably on me. - Witness animations are a delight. Full of character. - Okay. There are some smooth animations as a result of using 3D though. Like the Susato takedown. - Looking crispy with the RT4K - There are some spectacular one off animations. Like Iris slow face of shock when imaging the Reaper’s wine casks filled with dead defendants that escaped a guilt verdict in chapter 3. Amazing. - The corn cob kid juror with the typewriter chime sound is *immaculate* - Gina’s sad animation at the news of Gregson’s death is excellent. Conveys everything. ## Music/Sound Design - Lots of strings carrying the softer tunes. - I love Sholmes theme. Matches his spastic and bombastic personality. - True hype when on an evidence roll or reaching the conclusion of a trial. - Tusspells theme is delightfully cheery and mysterious. A - https://youtube.com/watch?v=g0Ta7AU-HQI - The music at the very start of Episode 5 is *strong* ## World - Madame Tusspells is a much better character design than Shamspeare. A real turnaround. - The auto save notice includes the word “whilst.” Keeps totally in character with the world and setting.