# *Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat* Notes
> [!warning]
> Spoilers below—if one considers *DK:JB* to be rich with spoilers that is...
![[Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Notes.pdf]]
## Stats
- Started Playing: 9/20/24
- Beat: 10/01/24
- Total Playtime: 4~6 hours
## Legacy
- The first EAD team game. Next is *Galaxy*.
- A DK platformer post-Rare. One I certainly shrugged off from appearances.
## Overall
- From the manual - "When you clap, STUFF HAPPENS!"
- Designing a platformer around limitations. Creativity in spite of limitations; in fact, because of and seeking out limitations.
- Wii energy and spirit in design. Unique controller to drive audience engaging gameplay, cultivating a desire to play.
- I won’t be pursuing the hidden boss. It requires perfect platinum medallion runs. But the idea of that is cool.
## Story
- DK wants bananas and a TMNT style group of animals has taken them?
- The end just kinda happens.
## Gameplay
- Rhythmic platforming taken literally.
- Sure the left and right movement, especially in the air, is not as precise for a platformer. But it was designed with this in mind. There is a flow state.
- The levels are SO SHORT and I love it.
- Exploration of a mechanical idea and then moving on. May return to develop later. Keeps it fast pace and fresh.
- The bosses, not so fresh. Only 4 variations? Kong, pig, bird, elephant
- There’s a total lack of fine platforming ability. All run up and...barrel...your way through. Difficult to recover when you miss.
- There is *Sonic* design principles here. Bananas = rings. Some levels have tiny, tiny bits of exploration. Verticality.
- Panic does not suit well for clap dodges. The lack of precision and more "feel" for the gameplay is odd to grapple with. Frustrating, but can lead to zen moments.
- There is a surprising amount of nuance in the movement. Backflips, wall jumps, slams. All of this feeds into the combo system, the flow state. It’s easy to step into the pool, but it has a deeper end than I expected.
## Music/Sound Design
- So hard to hear underneath the rapid bongo drumming.
- I like the spooky music in third level of third kingdom.
## Graphics
## World
- All the fruits
- Odd that the "final boss" just appears after the third barrel kingdom. THEN the "B" barrel appears. This is "hidden world" mentality?