# Flu Media Diet – Memory Card #26 👋🏻 All right. I am alive! From last Saturday night to today I have been battling the flu. Do not recommend for anyone. I tried a few times to work on my script for "Spirit of a *Galaxy* Game," but my body hurt too much to even focus. I did work on some art assets one afternoon because that felt mindless enough to chip away at. I'm working on recreating [this chart](https://i.redd.it/09ccoeev7t9y.png), since Nintendo has unlisted the original video, which is a real shame. Tomorrow I'll dive back in to write for the first time since the flu. I'm curious how the session will feel given I have barely even looked at the whole thing since being [bedridden](https://buttondown.com/MaxFrequency/archive/bedridden/). It's like a mini version of putting away the manuscript for six weeks after the first draft. My mind is restless to work on this project and *get it done.* It's an eager restlessness. I want to get this one into your eyeballs. So what did I do in the throes of sickness? Watched a buttload of TV and movies. Being sick gives you a strange permission, almost a medical requirement, to just devour Hollywood. I started with the Indiana staple *Hoosiers*. Nothing like good feel basketball. That night I watched Jackie Chan's *Police Story* or the first time and man, they don't make em like they used to, right? Practical stunts and effects paired with some genuine comedy. I do wonder why the Hong Kong police chief has an LA police plaque in his office, but who cares? This movie is spectacular. I did follow-up on my plans in [my original sick letter](https://buttondown.com/MaxFrequency/archive/bedridden/) and watch *Prometheus* and *Police Story 2* the following day. Ridley Scott may have done us dirty with *Covenant*, but man *Prometheus* is a beautiful movie that's totally up its own pretentious butt in the best way. These people are so smart and yet make the dumbest decisions. I love the bits of *Alien* lore. The cesarean is an all-time classic horror scene. *Police Story 2* is good, but not as good as the first. They leaned more into the comedy and the action was all pent up for the finale. Oh well. Then we have another feel good classic—*Good Will Hunting*. Robin and Matt's performances make my heart ache in the best ways. "[It's not your fault](https://youtu.be/ZQht2yOX9Js?si=qjiHWQkKx0JO9wX_)." The next day I watched the entirety of *Severance* season one. I can't recall the last time I watched a whole season of TV in one day. This second round was prep for season two and hoooooooo man, the details I noticed this time were so good. The way the world is built out is satisfying. The last film of the sick run was *Rear Window*. I haven't seen a ton of Hitchcock and this has been on my list for a long time. I was actively talking to the TV during some of the scenes. I could not believe how Hitchcock leveraged perspective and assumptions to create a captivating ending. I was gobsmacked. And that was it. Those where the films and one show that got me through the worst sickness of my life. I do not recommend the flu for anyone. I do recommend all of these pieces of film. I'm back. We're back. Let's crush this essay. Until next time... > [!email]+ Memory Card Newsletter > This letter is one block from the newsletter **[Memory Card](https://buttondown.com/MaxFrequency)** by [Max Roberts](https://www.maxfrequency.net/about). Thoughts? Send *me* an email at [email protected]. > > Max is the writer and producer behind [Max Frequency](https://www.maxfrequency.net), a place where he cultivates and curates curiosity—both for himself and for others—by delighting in the details and growing greatness from small beginnings. > > He's written a [[Chasing the Stick - The History of Naughty Dog during the PS4 Era|rich history and dive on the making of Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part II]], celebrated the [[MFP23 - “A Passion for Smash” – Celebrating 15 Years of Super Smash Bros. Brawl with Peter Spezia|15th anniversary of Super Smash Bros. Brawl with the voice behind its hype]], and examined how [Zelda "stole" Fortnite's best mechanic](https://youtu.be/kc2l_9Fdpek). > > **Memory Card** is a real-ish time, raw, drip feed newsletter of his creative process for telling these stories. It’s *how* The Thing™ gets made. You can sign up below. (Look down) > > It's all powered by [Max Frequency](https://www.maxfrequency.net) and [patrons](https://www.patreon.com/maxfrequency). > > Wanna see The Thing™? [Check it out on YouTube](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxCxW3Sbhy5ZzVOkvmfo4Rme41g6KzJOk). Read it on [The Blog](https://www.maxfrequency.net). > <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:100%!important;height:220px;border:1px #ccc solid !important" src="https://buttondown.com/MaxFrequency?as_embed=true"></iframe>