This week *Super Smash Bros. Brawl* turns 15-years-old here in North America. This iteration of *Smash* is the reason I have this site and why I write/talk about video games on the Internet. I was captivated by The Dojo’s daily updates and inspired by the podcast *Show Me Your News!*. My first production – my first thing – online was the *Smash Cast* and my opening words reflect that inspiration: > Hello you are now watching the *Smash Cast*. I’ve decided to follow the footsteps of Youko and Rocdar12 and create my own *Smash Brothers Brawl* news segment. For those who don’t know who Youko is, he is the head of *Show Me Your News*, which is a podcast weekly podcast that you can download at the iTunes store. My excitement for the game drove me to create, to express myself publicly. In honor of the crystal[^1] anniversary, I have a couple of plans to celebrate. This Wednesday (March 8, 2023), I’ll be streaming *Brawl*’s single-player Adventure Mode, The Subspace Emissary, on my YouTube channel. I haven’t touched the Subspace since launch. The current schedule is to start at 6:30 PM EST, but that could change depending on the family. Probably best to turn on a notification for the stream to be pinged when I go live. It should be a fun trip into the past! Then on Thursday (March 9, 2023—the actual anniversary) a special edition of *[[The Max Frequency Podcast]]* is going live. I’ll be joined by none other than Youko himself—Peter Spezia. It was an honor and a pleasure to go back through the *Brawl* hype cycle with the voice of the *Smash* community. We wove together the game’s development with the first few months of *SMYN* for a celebration like no other. I’ve spent the past month relistening to the show and preparing for this anniversary. Reliving the glory years of ‘07 and ‘08 was a delight. A fire was rekindled that The Dojo and *SMYN* sparked in me so long ago. I hope the episode does the same for you. <div class=iframe-container> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> [Celebrating Super Smash Bros. Brawl 15th Anniversary! | March 8, 2023]( --- [^1]: Krystal?